Where to download NBA 2K23 and how to mod it?

2K just released the NBA 2K23 for PS4, PS5, Xbox, PC, and Switch worldwide which now trending on social media platforms like Twitter. Instagram, and Facebook. But this post will talk about the PC Version. We mainly focus on PC because this website is all about 2K Games in PC Version.

Where to download NBA 2K23?

A lot of questions we received since the release of 2K23 is "Where can I download the game? " There are a lot of websites that sell NBA 2K23. For PC, you can download it on Steam Store which cost around $54, Steam 2K23. But if you want a small discount, this site is very reliable when comes to sales, they sometimes offer 5-10% off, www.allkeyshop.com.

What are Mods in NBA 2K23? 

If you are new to the modding world, a "mod" short for "modification" is new in game content that players create as opposed to the developers. You'll find mods predominantly in PC games like GTA V, Minecraft, PES, and FIFA.

As the name suggests, players create mods by modifying existing in-game content like cyberface (Face Scan), courts, jerseys, and many more. This isn't as limiting as it sounds: mods can range from quality-of-life fixes to whole new areas, animations, gameplay systems, improved graphics, and much, much more. 

So, not only can mods fix problems in a game, but they can add also add an unlimited amount of content to it. And almost always for free. Incredible. See example below

How can I install Mods in NBA 2K23?

If you mod previous 2K games like NBA 2K21, NBA 2K22, and 2K23  in the past, it is very similar to when installing a mod. On my youtube channel 2kspecialist - Youtube I made several videos for NBA 2K21, 2K22, and 2K23 tutorials and How to install mods on NBA 2K23. I will put the video below for 2K23

How to make mods?
On my website www.2kspecialist.net, there is a category TUTORIALS AND FIX in which all the tutorial you need is in place. Learning to mod cannot be learned in just a day, you need to have very long patience cause you will encounter a lot of errors and crashes. We have a discord server to help you out also. NBA 2K Modding Discord
