NBA 2K22 Fantasy Team Roster by Reed-Forever

NBA 2K22 Fantasy Team Roster by Reed-Forever 

This list is completely free, and the player data are all from the 2K22MT mode.
It contains all pink diamonds + diamonds + amethysts + some red and blue grade cards and self-made cards of water friends in 2K22MT mode. Currently, it contains about 120 cards, including attributes/inclinations/hot spots/action dribbling bags, etc., which are the same as those in MT mode.

1/About the patch:
All teams make matching MT theme team logo/court/jersey (continuous production), and only 2K22MT mode cards are made into full-length photos for easy identification (document number 48000-49999, not with most mainstream patch authors Documents overlap). This list needs to be used with hooks. Hooks cannot be used in online competitions, which will cause a crash. Modify the file name of dinput8.dll to solve it.

2/List use:
Genuine players search for list names or usernames reed forever.
Pirated players provide roster files and sync files for their own use. Different archive locations are different for different cracking groups and will not be described in detail. The group file has detailed installation instructions

3 / content introduction
①The first part (name of the list: 2KMT-CARDS):
According to the 2K22MT collection classification, it is easy to find players, and the list is constantly updated and improved with the mt mode. The next update time is uncertain.
Support mode: Quick match/Dynasty/Streetball

author: Reed-Forever
