NBA 2K21 KICKSOLOGY+B Big Global by seanbarkley & Billows and Pharrell

NBA 2K21 KICKSOLOGY+B Big Global by seanbarkley & Billows and Pharrell
The shoe_global file that I modified by myself must be put in it, otherwise it will be all
messed up so that 2K21 can be compatible with KICKOLOGY 2K20 shoe supplement 4.12
, which means that new shoes will not be lost

. The Global uploaded is Billows version 1.1+Layers
wants to apply their own GL and put the Layers folder. There

must be a bug in the dds file moved to your own GL file. If there is a problem, leave a message in the comment area, and reply freely .

Known BUG: The problem of Curry 6 7 color matching area is not small, try to solve it to no avail
- Pharrell

author: seanbarkley & Billows and Pharrell
