NBA2K21 Hook V0.0.5 By Looyh [Added: force display photos] [FOR 2K21]

NBA2K21 Hook V0.0.5 By Looyh [Added: force display photos] [FOR 2K21]

* Added: Mandatory loading of player photos.
* Added: The roster data is prevented from being reset by 2k (at the same time, open the quick match to reset the team against the team, to avoid the use of hidden teams in the custom roster to cause the game to crash when the default roster is used).

Put dinput8.dll, NBA2K_Hook.dll and "Mods" folder to your nba2k21 directory. then add your modded file into "Mods" folder.

Non GUI in 2k21 Hook.
Added: Force display photos.
Added: Modded rosters support(avoid data overwritten by 2k default roster)(also, quick game && 2k , VS team reset)

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author: Looyh